Friday, September 7, 2007

GM 04 September, response to "anamnesis y tmesis"

GM, 04 September, response to “anamnesis y tmesis”
I must take exception with your statement regarding the “empty signifier: demon of our times,” one which “has no relation to the body or mind” leaving us in “blankness devoid of sensuality.” To that I say, “Oh, Thank Heaven, for 7-11.”
The tmesis that 7-11 has to offer us is infinite and each and every one is equally important, and, quit obviously, provided to us on a magic carpet of convenience. Why just this morning, I stopped at one of the twelve 7-11 stores that are located the short distance between home and work, withdrew ten bucks from the ATM (a tmesis for another day since 7-11’s are listed in the top ten ATM owners in the entire country. The other nine are all banks). Then paid two dollars for a big, big gulp (another fine tmesis), two bucks on quick-picks (hey, I bet one could run a cement truck through the tmesis located between quick and pick), two bucks on scratch-off’s (hey, I won two bucks then lost it), two bucks on a pack of condoms (oooh, I really love the possibilities here, con-----doms), and, on the sidewalk out front, two bucks on a piece of crack from a jitterbug in dreads riding a girls pink bicycle.
I had to queue up for the crack too and while waiting, struck up a conversation with some sort of four-foot tall Buddhist monk, at least he was wearing a robe, who had just purchased a case of Colt 45 Malt Liquor and a carton of Newports. He had the case of beer balanced up on his right shoulder; the carton of cigarettes tucked into the cinch rope around his robe, and was holding two bucks on his left hand waiting his turn with the crack dealer. I would have asked him for a cigarette but I didn’t want to disturb the serene mood of the morning.
So, in light of this, I believe that the infinite and endlessness firepower and resources standing behind each and every single 7-11 store, would most certainly displace your claim of Airbus A320 kicking anything or anyone’s ass in the “sign/potential value arena.”

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