Friday, August 31, 2007

Eric 8/31

In class it was said that fear is the aesthetic du jour of our age. I find myself strangely drawn to concepts of graceful terror and beautiful images that exude wrongfulness. I enjoy that feeling of mixed wonder and fear.
Perhaps we are trying to forget our true fears by clothing the spirits of atrocity and horror in the flesh of absurdity.

It is at this moment that I realize that I have forgotten what I was trying to say in this post. Some trite shit involving sweeping generalizations no doubt.

I find myself slightly insulated from some parts of mainstream culture. I do not watch much tv. I have never really watched much tv. I get my news from,Vice Magazine, and the somethingawful forums. The BBC isn't quite as interested in the subjects which make domestic mainstream media outlets so tedious for me. I also listen to NPR.

I have a habit of deliberatly ignoring whatever "super celebrity x" is doing (OMGAWD). I have close to no interest in the lives of actors or heiresses and am fond of catagorically denying their existence in some vain attempt to make them go away.

Hopefully I can think of some more to add to this in a bit.

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