Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Post-Class, Eric

"and thus did Andrew continue to berate the oligarch, for the fury of the lord was within him and it was as righteous light before the crowd gathered there. Prefects of the apostate nation drew their heretical weapons and advanced upon the prophet ordering him to desist or face their false justice. But such was the might of the lord within the prophet Andrew that their frail pleas availed them not. The corrupt officers of the law then attempted to restrain the prophet but he thrashed about in resistance as though pregnant with the very hosts of heaven. The sons of the second sodom trembled in fear , for such was the majesty of the prophet Andrew. As the cowards brandished their weapons at the prophet, he stood steadfast; proclaiming, "don't taze me bro." And before these holy words the heretics rightly shook and pissed themselves, big time. In their fear they pumped the great Andrew with demonic lightning.
Just then a host of seraphim tore through the crowd of non-believers. However, Andrew was a most merciful prophet and beseached the angels to have mercy on the crowd. For it would be most terrible in the eyes of god if so many of his flock, lost though they were, were to join the dragon in the lake of fire. So the great prophet endured the torments of the blasphemers weapons and the jeering of the fornicators, smiling in his heart knowing that they would live on and perhaps in time come to see the light of the lord.
Later that evening he logged on to youtube and popped open a natty ice."-Book of Bros

I don't think the totalized metanarritive is dead. Rather that it has multiplied and mutated. After all it is not what is in the text that is important, but what is not in the text.

1 comment:

Notorious Dr. Rog said...

had me going for a minute there