Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome to ENG 335

Welcome to the blog for ENG335A: Critical Approaches to Postmodern Culture, taught fall 2006 at Rollins College. I'm your host: Notorious Dr. Rog, and I invite you to fire away with i/entertexts before and after class. Can't wait to see what you have to say about the wet and wild ride through the world of pomo.

Your first post will be a blog written as a response to the first night of class. What did you learn about postmodernism? How do you feel about the class? This needs to be posted by Friday night. When you post after class, always title your blog with your name first, then enter the date of the class, e.g. Roger 8/22.

Tuesday night's class was brilliant. I am so excited to be reading theory all term instead of spending time with my family, working, or sleeping. I think the professor is perhaps the most brilliant man I have ever met. I learned so much about postmodernism from his introductory lecture. He should have his own cable show.

As you can see, this entry, were it longer, would be an excellent example of an A quality blog :-)

Your second post should be up no later than Monday night and will be a blog on any aspect of the four theorists you are reading for next week: Saussure, Barthes, Macherey, or Jencks. So when you post before a class, enter your name then the last name of the theorist you are blogging on, e.g. Roger, Barthes or Roger, Macherey.

Have fun . . .

1 comment:

Notorious Dr. Rog said...

I hear this class is great. You are so lucky to be in it.