Sunday, November 18, 2007

Eric, Post-class, Feminism

I found it quite interesting that some women in the class did not like FEMINIST writings because they found them to be ‘angry.’ I began to wonder if they had some phobia of being called out as a feminist (a fate more terrible perhaps than being called a liberal) if they said they enjoyed it. Perhaps there is something of a stigma associated with feminism in modern culture; let’s take a look.

Here are some choice definitions of feminism from the classy website

A real bitch .Wanting to steal power from men, wanting to subject men and degrade men. A suppressor of men with freedom . An enemy of traditional men. A destroyer of male ambition, a perverter of truth and a manipulating lier[sic] . Send them to antartica[sic] and the world will breathe a sigh of relief.

A group of smart lesbian thieves who have realized there is money to be made from goverment grants and through tax benifits by falsely distorting statistics and screaming downright lies in the street.Thier HQ can usually be found in any womans abuse shelter.[editor's note: OH NO THE TERRIBLE EVIL OF THE WOMEN'S ABUSE SHELTER]The screaming ones in the streets are just irritating,but beware the horn rimmed glasses,Birkenstock wearing ones who haunt the courts and halls of power,they are the ones who figure out how to bleed mens wallets dry.

(emphasis mine)
It would seem here that some people have the idea that all feminists are either grotesque monsters or people like Valerie Solanas who wrote these little gems:
“Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit.”
“The male chromosome is incomplete. All men are walking abortions.”
“Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.”

Really though, most feminists are not like this. And women who believe this and avoid anything that might be construed as feminism because they don’t want to be thought of as man hating lesbians are helping to perpetuate not only an unequal society but the very myth of all feminists being hairy mannish lesbians with a taste for the flesh of men. (Unless, of course, they are being hairy mannish lesbians, in which case in wholeheartedly thank them for not making the rest of feminists look bad)


Pomo said...

Or, perhaps, we just do not like the point of view of feminists because we simply do not agree with them. That you say it is out of fear is an unfair assumption; first, I have nothing to fear for my believes (for christssakes, I'm a republican, I am always disagreed with), and second, I do not like feminism for the same reason I do not like people calling everything to do with other races "racism"--just because we feel like giving ourselves excuses, we can not let ourselves fall into a trap. Everyone has tribulations in their lives--whether it be racist or "feminist" or just plain JOE-SMOE problems; that is not an excuse for finger pointing.

We can sit around blaming men if we want to, but then we have ourselves to blame for holding us back. Same thing with minorities. They can sit around calling racism if they want to and some of it could be true, but then where are they? Have they changed anything? Have they worked hard to sustain the image in the public eye that they do not deserve any type of discrimination? With women, sitting around complaining that we do not have the same respect as men or that we are not paid the same--what are we accomplishing? Go out, demand it. Don't blame anyone but yourself if you cannot attain what you want.

And by the way, Bell Hooks had a conversation with a girl I knew when she came here saying that she wanted nothing to do with men and that they were all dogs (like her own father) and she would recommend adopting to women instead of dealing with men. And that if anyone didn't agree with her views, f#@$ them.

I don't know about you, but this seems angry. And although feminists see themselves as enlightened,this looks like the exact opposite to me.

But, I do consider myself a feminist in the way that I think, should I desire to accomplish anything I want, I know I can do it. And if being female stands in my way, I will simply have to persevere--not complain.

Pomo said...

Err...the first comment was by GeekinthePink

Notorious Dr. Rog said...

finally--multiple exchanges!