Monday, November 5, 2007

Post-Class, Eric 11/5

the origin of eschatology probably ties in with in our inner struggle with the fact that we will die. We want a purpose to our life and most eschatological stories clearly tell us what the purpose of our existence is, in the terms of the meta-narrative that they belong to.
Several narratives throughout history including the modern favorites of Islam and Christianity postulate that at the end of days some kind of battle will take place that will decide the fate of the universe or something like that. Interestingly, they both seem to feel that at this point jesus will return and defeat the anti-christ. BOTH OF THEM. Other subscribers to the school of massive crazy battle at the end of time include the norsemen: who beleived that dying gloriously in battle in life would grant you an oppurtunity to fight for the aesir while piss-drunk.
Those of a Hebraic nature do not think that a war will be the end of the world they think that instead the coming of a messiah will bring and age of peace where the dead may or may not rise.
and then some crazy people think this
all I have to say is lol.

1 comment:

Notorious Dr. Rog said...

Could be tied more closely to the theory.