Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Anamnesis marx

When A dictator such as Ahmadinejad removes a political obstacle such as the Head of the Supreme National Security council, it is so that he can secure his ideology more firmly and go ahead with an agenda. In this sense the ruling class dispenses ideas by force instead of by example. Are the ideas of Ahmadinejad the ideas of Iran? Only insofar as they are threatening. There are many within Iran, especially students, who are at odds with his ideology. In Dubai there is "benevolent dictator," Al Maktoum, who's ideology (bound up, of course in Islam) is made palpable to his people by sheer scale of progress. The ideas of that ruling class are rarely questioned because (well first it is essentially against the law to question it) because the rate of progress is so astounding that it diverts attention elswhere, like away from the fact that Al Maktoum uses the equivalent of slave labor (immigrants from south asia who make more than they would at home, yet whose living conditions are abhorrent) to contruct buildings such as the Burj Dubai. Even the university professors will tout Al Maktoum as a good leader. After all, American companies such as Microsoft and Dell have set up cam there with total confidence. Maktoum, knowing that his ideas will be rebuked if he is too restrictive (like Ahmadinejad) has made social concessions, ie giving women more participatory roles in society.
When workers riot like they did at the new airport, the situation is swiftly dealt with from above by creating some diversion... building new living quarters (that resemble jails) for the 250,000 workers. When 8 year old Camel Jockeys are cited by humanitarian agencies as cruelty, robotic camel jockeys replace them! Yet through all this the ruling ideology rests soundly, because who doesn't want to see a modern marvel rise out of the ground in the most strategically placed city in the world. Answer: almost nobody.

In a capitalist society the upper class generates ideas largely about tastes. That is, what happens to lower class thinking as a result of upper class taste is an aspiration to be like the upper class. But this isn't always true. The means of production Marx Speaks about, I can't figure out where it happens in the United States. It can't be said exactly that the The "Ruling Class" controls the means of production. I think it is more accurate to say that the media generates an awareness of product, and product is dispersed according to incomes and demand. In our country the dialect of the ghetto is exploited by mega producers through hip hop. Many of the attitudes in Gangster rap are not the ideas of the producers, they are in fact ideas emanating from the ghetto. Yet the producers would be considered the "ruling class" here. If a rapper gains status that surpasses the producer, s/he becomes symbolic and iconic.

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