Monday, October 1, 2007

GM, post 25 September. Circe de Magic Kingdom, I believe, I really do believe.

Disneyland tells us that technology can give us more reality than nature can…Its visitors must agree to behave like robots. 203, 205.

Its mid-October, two class three Hurricanes have assaulted Florida thus far with two more looming in the Caribbean. A typical Florida fall evening, relative temperature and humidity match, a balmy 85 degrees, as swarms of mosquitoes take their fill of a bare armed, shorts wearing crowd of broody, chalky Brits, off-season rate, early snowbirds, and blissfully ignorant Florida locals. All of whom, never witnessing the changing of the colors of Appalachian mountain foliage, until this evening, when, at precisely 8:00 pm, leaves, representing all the colors of a 124 count box of crayons, along with a myriad of shapes to match; will, at the appointed time tonight and every evening through Thanksgiving, volcanically belch forth at intermittently dispersed bird boxes, as the song Autumn Leaves spews over the crowd just ahead of hundreds of thousands of paper leaves, half of which immediately cling to faces, arms, and legs of the great, humid mass gathered to partake in the nightly illusion, made even better by complimentary, mini-Styrofoam cups of hot chocolate and cookies. Well, this isn’t exactly at Disneyland or Walt Disney World, it’s at Celebration which is, of course, is Disney.
If you’re not into falling, false leaves, then just wait until after Thanksgiving. That’s when the leaves are replaced by falling snow flakes, a beautiful sight, especially if you don’t mind having a white, stinging Tide soap like substance blown into eyes. God bless Disney, they really know how to put things together. The gathered crowd applauds, laughs, and sings Christmas carols, (non-traditional, politically correct Christmas carols of course), as the stinging Tide is jetted out over them; which then briefly piles up in mini-Tide drifts against the curb and gutter before melting away.

1 comment:

Notorious Dr. Rog said...

good application of the theory