Tuesday, October 30, 2007


"The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, consequently also controls the means of mental production." Ah, we are still debating control over society socially and economically (as we still are today, read GM's post). Is this not the same thing as Poster? Who controls the switches? Except, in this case, Marx has an answer--the ruling class. In Poster ideology, we have the decentralized second age media with an absent center and with Marx we have a tangible hand draped in gold poised over the controls. After all,he who "has the gold, rules!"

I know I commented on Marx in my pre-class blog, but I have such a fascination with him that I had to comment on him in my post. Marx doesn't strike me as post modern. I know the term post modern entails many different ideas (just try to look the definition up on the internet, you cannot even get a comprehensive one), but Marx overwhelmingly pushes a more political agenda--to overcome this class struggle and eliminate capitalism. In many ways, I can understand this viewpoint as it does appear capitalism makes up our social and intellectual DNA and overrrides individuality with the ideas of the masses. However, capitalism also allows individuality to be possible. It is also the framework of our society; without our fundamental values, we would be sitting ducks for communism and socialism. Ahem. I don't want to make anyone angry, but haven't we witnessed this with extreme liberals? I'm thinking something as simple as smoking. I heard one liberal talking about trying to make it illegal to smoke and drive (tobacco...obviously). Now, I actually don't smoke, but I am appalled. How dare they take personal liberties away from us because it has been "researched" that it could "hinder" driving techniques; well, so could stupidity, but you don't see people being tested for that. Also, there was a woman trying to ban trans-fat in California from restaurants. Why? To make people healthier. Well, in a capitalist society, we have to take care of ourselves. If we are fat and unhealthy, that's our own damn fault. This is the whole point of capitalism--there is the popular choice, but it is possible to go with your own ideas. There may be a mainstream, but we are still allowed to live within our personal choices. At least for now.

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